Spiral Aloe Studs | (Aloe polyphylla)

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Native only to the Drakensburg mountains in Lesotho, this plant grows where the summers are cool and the winters cover it in snow. Its striking symmetry and 5-pointed spirals make it a sought after species, but it is illegal to harvest in the wild or to purchase from roadside vendors. And cultivating the plant outside of its natural habitat can be quite difficult.

So wear a tiny cluster as an earring instead! This stud replicates one of the 5 sections of aloe leaves as it spins outward at the arc of the golden ratio. Enjoy its Fibonacci-esk geometry on you, knowing the same shape can be found on top of the world in Southern Africa.

  • Sterling Silver

  • ¼ inch diameter


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What’s an Endemic Species?

Spiral aloe only grows on this mountain range in Lesotho, in southern Africa. It can’t be found anywhere else on the planet and is very difficult to cultivate outside of its native range. It has evolved over thousands of years to live in the specific, unique conditions found here. This makes it an endemic species.

An endemic species is a type of plant, animal, or other organism that is native and restricted to a specific geographic area. It is unique to that particular region and is not found naturally anywhere else in the world. Endemic species have evolved in isolation over long periods of time, often due to geographic barriers such as mountains, oceans, or other natural boundaries that prevent their dispersal to other areas.

The limited distribution of endemic species makes them highly vulnerable to environmental changes and threats. They often have specialized adaptations that allow them to thrive in their specific habitats, but these adaptations can also make them more susceptible to extinction if their environment undergoes significant alterations. Factors such as habitat loss, climate change, pollution, and invasive species pose particular risks. Preserving and protecting endemic species is crucial for conserving the unique genetic diversity they represent and for maintaining the overall health and stability of their ecosystems.